Welcome to Adept Assets
We are AMFI-registered Mutual Fund Distributors
We are AMFI-registered Mutual Fund Distributors
Personal finance is easy to understand but difficult to practice. Suitability of various investment products, understanding one’s own risk profile, Income/expense management, Assets / Liability management, and so on...
These areas are successfully handled by only a select few. Gaps remain. We will be fully committed to plug these Gaps with all our clients, with all our might and resources.
We will happily and objectively go out to deliver all our clients the independence they need in their financial lives, the abundance they need with respect to their risk tolerance levels. Through this we will try ensuring the ultimate thing everyone strives for. A peaceful life.
Financial goals are the priorities and targets you set for how you want to spend and save your money.
NO 53, First floor, Anna Nagar Plaza,
2nd Avenue Anna Nagar
Chennai - 600040
+91 9600035255